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Zdro1216's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Visit the Great Wall of China Culture
See Cherry Blossoms in Japan Culture
go to the top of the eiffel tower Culture
Meet a world leader Social
Get Married Social
Go On a Road Trip with a Friend. Travel
Kiss in front of the Eiffel Tower Travel
Visit Pompeii Travel
Take a cruise Travel
Visit temples in mexico Travel
Scuba diving at the barrier reef Travel
Go skydiving Sport
Create a Source of Passive Income Financial
Shoot a sniper. Entertainment
Get a Masters Degree Education
Visit a nude beach/Colony Fun
Shark Cage Fun
Get blacked out Fun
See the northern lights Bucket List
Visit Machu Picchu Bucket List
New Years Eve in Times Square Bucket List
Fly First Class Bucket List
put a lock on the love bridge Relationships
Have sex in a public space Relationships
Visit the Louvre
Take one photo a day for a whole year

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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