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Peppapig123's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
win a writing contest Creativity
Things to make Creativity
C Culture
People Social
Save Someone's Life Social
Wb Well-being
enjoy life more Well-being
go see the eiffel tower Travel
T Travel
Move Out Moving
M Moving
Money Financial
Entertaining Entertainment
School Education
build a bon fire with friends Fun
have a food fight Fun
Swim with dolphins Fun
Fun Fun
Skills Skills
Things to do before I die Bucket List
Get tattoos Bucket List
save someone from a group of bad people Bucket List
carve your name into a tree Bucket List
Get Drunk Bucket List
Kiss in the rain Bucket List
Wish on a shooting star Bucket List
Dance in the rain Bucket List
Get Drunk Bucket List
Ride an elephant Bucket List
Travel to England Bucket List
Travel to England Bucket List
R Relationships
Watch A Sunset/Sunrise Relationships
Helping others Charity
hav party in ibitha

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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