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Leitner.Vera's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Have a career that I really love Well-being
Let My Hair Grow Really Long Well-being
Get my body into shape (to be proud of) Well-being
Run a marathon Well-being
Have a dalmatian dog for a pet Well-being
Walking the Camino Travel
Throw a dart at a map and travel where it lands Travel
Start a road trip without a destination Travel
Get a place of my own Moving
Get My First Job Career
Buy a house Financial
Bonfire Fun
Write a Book Skills
Learn to play the piano Skills
Visit all 7 Continents Bucket List
Let go of a floating lantern Bucket List
Ride in a hot air balloon Bucket List
Sleep under the stars Bucket List
buy a homeless man a meal Charity
Donate blood Charity

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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