bucket list creator
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Korns305's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Randomly select a book from a Library and read it Creativity
Find a new band Culture
Eat pizza in Italy Culture
Make someone's day Social
Help a stranger Social
Host a themed party Social
Go to a college party Social
Run a marathon Well-being
Buy myself a car Well-being
Do something that terrifies you Well-being
Stand in all four states at the Four Corners Travel
Visit Rome Travel
Go to Greece Travel
See the Northern Lights Travel
Visit all 50 States Travel
Go to the top of the Eifel Tower Travel
Go to Disney World Travel
Go to Italy Travel
Visit New York City at Christmas time! Travel
See the statue of liberty Travel
Ride A Mechanical Bull Sport
Get a job at 16 Career
Ride a camel Fun
Kiss in the rain Bucket List
go on a no-budget shopping spree Bucket List
night hike Bucket List
tea house Bucket List
Play the lottery Bucket List
See the mona lisa Bucket List
Get a piercing Bucket List
Fly First Class Bucket List
Write a letter for after I die Bucket List
get a tattoo

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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