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Kls177's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Sleep in a tree house under the stars Culture
Go to Mardi Gras Culture
See a musical in New York Culture
have a slip and slide with paint Social
Take Route 66 from beginning to end Travel
take my baby to Disney World Travel
Spend the night in a medieval castle Travel
Go on a luxury cruise Travel
visit Washington D.C. Travel
Buy a house with a front porch Moving
Tour a chocolate factory Education
Bathe in a mineral springs Health
Go horseback riding by the ocean Health
Attend a murder mystery dinner Fun
Dress up like a super hero Fun
go zip lining Fun
Ride in a horsedrawn carriage Fun
Ride on an elephant Bucket List
Have a romantic dinner on a rooftop Relationships
Dance in the rain with the love of my life Relationships

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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