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Kayla&Gershy's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Shower under waterfall Creativity
Learn a new instrument Creativity
Take a photo of the Northern Lights Creativity
Attend A Broadway Play Culture
Add a lock to lovers bridge; Paris and Germany Culture
Get Married Social
Get in shape Well-being
Visit the Colosseum, Rome Travel
Go on a gondola in Venice Travel
Go to Coney Island Travel
Start a road trip without a destination Travel
Pay off Student Loans by the age of 30 Financial
Be debt free Financial
Send a message in a bottle Fun
release balloons with notes atached Fun
Get in a taxi and say "Follow that car!" Fun
Hand someone a briefcase and say, "You know what to do" and then run Fun
Hold a monkey Fun
Carve name into a tree Fun
Go on a cruise Bucket List
Plant a tree Bucket List
Finish a Coloring Book Bucket List
Ride an elephant Bucket List
shoot a gun Charity
Send a letter to a random address and see if they write back
blow glass
Leave a note in a library book

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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