bucket list creator
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Kamih's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Take a Photo everyday for a whole year Creativity
Have dinner on the beach Creativity
win a writing contest Creativity
Add a lock to lovers bridge; Paris and Germany Culture
Go to Mardi Gras Culture
Do something that terrifies you Well-being
Stand in all four states at the Four Corners Travel
See the statue of liberty Travel
Ride the Rocky Mountain train Travel
Drive Route 66 Travel
Visit New York City at Christmas time! Travel
Sleep in a castle Fun
Kiss at Central station Fun
go on a no-budget shopping spree Bucket List
Sleep under the stars with someone Bucket List
write a letter to read in 10 years Bucket List
Kiss in the rain Bucket List
Write a letter for after I die Bucket List
Kiss Under The Mistletoe Relationships

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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