bucket list creator
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Jamesrules123456's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
get married Social
Give Blood Well-being
Snowboard Sport
Indoor Skydive Fun
Swim With Dolpins Fun
Cave Rapelling Fun
Wrap a snake around your neck Fun
Swim With Stingrays Fun
Scuba Dive Fun
meet someone famous Fun
Jump off a cliff Fun
Bungee Jump Fun
Explore a cave Fun
Swim with turtles Fun
Kiss a stranger Skills
Parasail Bucket List
Skydive Bucket List
Base Jump Bucket List
have children Relationships
Go rock Climbing
Dog Sled
Walk a Suspension Bridge
Sail a Boat
Rope Swing into water
Go on a Police Ride Along
Ride a luge
Do a flip on a trampoline
Eat Fire
Hold a Monkey
Take a zipline ride
Kiss a Sea Lion
Go Clam Digging
Swim in the Ocean
Drive Trough dust storm
Swim with a school of fish
Go Whale Watching
See the Salmon run
Milk a Cow
Hols a tarantula
Feed a Koala
Ride an elephany
Kite Surf
Stand under a Water Fall
See penguins in natural habitat
See a coral reef
feed a croc
Herd Cattle
Horseback ride on beach
ride in a horse and carrige
attend a rodeo
sleep in a iglo
Sleep in a barn on a haystack
Hug a redwood
Shear a sheep
Have a meaningful conversation with a stranger
Receive a fan letter
Feed Sharks
Meet a well known politition
Sing a karaoke duet
Ride ATV's in sand dunes
Whitewater Raft
Carve your name into a tree
Meet the Prez
Meet the prez
Donate toys on the holidays
Take a Heli ride
Ride in a Hot Air Ballon

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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