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Emileey1995's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
buy my first home Well-being
get my license Well-being
visit niagra falls Travel
see the eiffel tower Travel
go to hawaii Travel
go on a cruise Travel
go on a road trip with my best friend Travel
visit australia Travel
go to paris Travel
visit palm springs Travel
learn how to surf Sport
graduate college Education
go to disney world with my best friend Fun
star gaze on the roof Fun
be the maid of honor at my best friends wedding Fun
make a wish at the trevi fountain in rome Fun
swim with dolphins Fun
wanting to take good selfies for once Fun
go zip lining Fun
eat a canoli in italy Fun
cuddle under the stars Fun
own a horse Fun
adopt a puppy Fun
experience christmas in new york Fun
eat a whole roll of hubba bubba gum at one time Fun
go to a drive in movie Fun
have my own reality tv show Fun
mattress surf Fun
go bungee jumping Fun
stay at a bed and breakfast Fun
watch my future children get married Fun
play messy twister Fun
dance in the rain Bucket List
marry the love of my life Relationships
grow old with someone i love Relationships
work with orphans in africa Charity

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