bucket list creator
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Aazierracarter's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Write a song Creativity
Help a stranger Social
Get Married Social
Shop for my own style! Well-being
Get a flat stomach Well-being
Get in shape Well-being
Have a career that I really love Well-being
Go to Disney World Travel
Go to Greece Travel
Graduate college Career
Get a full ride scholarship to a school of my choice Education
Have a number one hit song Fun
Write a Book Skills
Bucket List Bucket List
Best Friend Bucket List Bucket List
Cross everything off my bucket list Bucket List
change someone's life Bucket List
Get in a Taxi and say "Follow That Car" Bucket List
Get a Tattoo Bucket List
Buy a homeless person a full meal Charity
pretend to be a secret agent

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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