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Vasavi27Garg's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Dye My Hair An Outrageous Colour Creativity
Keep a daily journal Creativity
Make a scrapbook of my travels and adventures Creativity
Start my own blog Creativity
research Japanese food Culture
Hike a mountain Well-being
Try yoga Well-being
get a six pack Well-being
Get physically fit Well-being
Get a flat stomach Well-being
Learn to Dance Well-being
Do something completely out of my comfort zone Well-being
Be in Shape Well-being
Ride a motorcycle Fun
explore a cave Fun
Ice Skating Fun
go canoeing Fun
Ride a horse Fun
Release a Paper Lantern Fun
join karate classes Skills
bake a pie Skills
make and eat sushi Skills
Learn conversational FRENCH Skills
Learn to play piano Skills
write a letter to read in 10 years Bucket List
Carve my name into a tree Bucket List
Get a Piercing Bucket List
Visit a museum Bucket List
Volunteer at an animal shelter Charity
go on a picnic with

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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