Mutley2498's challenge list
Due date
When you are sick and about to throw up, yell "I'M ALL BETTER!" to people who know you are sick, and then throw up.
Put a dora doll in the middle of Walmart.When someone tries to pick it up yell "SWIPER NO SWIPING"!!!
Call your friend, and tell them you can't talk right now, cause your busy.
Drop your pen in a crowded elevator and when some picks it up for you say" HEY THAT IS MINE, YOU STOLE IT!!! IM CALLING TO POLICE!!!"
Go into an elevator, and sit down and meditate. Ignore all of the people asking you why you are meditating.
Put a walkie talkie in your mail box and shout at everybody who walks by!!!
Walk up to someone and give them a stone and say "protect it with your life" then have a friend go ask for it later and see what they do.
Call Domino's Pizza, and request them for Pizza Hut's number
Make "CAUTION DRY FLOOR" signs and put them on wet floors.
Get in a cab and yell "Follow that Car"
Call local store/shopping center and ask if they sell frogs
Follow the first person you run into
Go to Wal-Mart and ask if they sell walls
If it is your birthday confiscate the cake and look scary saying "My precious, my precious".
Get a pair of knives sharpen them every day. While doing so, look at someone while muttering "Soon, soon..."
go to a mall. beat the crap out of one of the maniqin, then the manager comes, tell him he should fire the maniquin for talking massive shit. again. you WILL get kicked out the store, but still funny.
Go into a store, ask what year it is. When they answer your question, jump triumphantly, pump your fist in the air and say: "Yes! It worked!"
make voodoo dolls of ur Co workers, show them to the Co workers, once a week at random, put a bunch of stick pins in one of the dolls, leave it on there desk with a note asking how they are feeling to
Bucket List
Wear a superman costume under your school uniform. In a classroom full of people when all is quite...pick up your cellphone and put it in your ear saying: "What? I'm on my way!" rip out your school u
Bucket List
When someone in your house goes out, glue your pair of sneakers in the ceiling and when they come back, sit in the floor while rubbing your head and groaning.
Bucket List