bucket list creator
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Lynn83's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Create a book of quotes that inspire me Creativity
Make handmade soap Creativity
Dye My Hair An Outrageous Colour Creativity
Love the way I look Well-being
Get a massage Well-being
Have my Own Place Moving
Get a DNA Test Health
Lose weight Health
Have a beach bonfire Fun
Swim in a rooftop pool Fun
Swim with dolphins Fun
Release a Paper Lantern Fun
Take photos with someone in a photobooth Fun
Bonfire Fun
go ghost hunting Fun
jump in a pool fully clothed Bucket List
curate my own personal library Bucket List
Kiss in the rain Bucket List
Use A Fake Name At Starbucks Bucket List
Write a letter for after I die Bucket List
Get married Relationships
Write a letter and read it 10 years later

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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