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Grungegirlmegan's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Write a song Creativity
take an art class Creativity
Read a total of 10 books Culture
Hike a mountain Well-being
learn to play the guitar Entertainment
Go on a ghost hunt Entertainment
Enter an Art Exhibit Entertainment
Have a movie marathon Entertainment
Learn Sign Language Education
Send a message in a bottle Fun
Play Hide And Seek In Ikea Fun
Stargaze Fun
Build a snowman Fun
Complete a scrapbook Fun
Kiss in the rain Bucket List
Go Bungee Jumping Bucket List
kiss someone at midnight on new years Bucket List
Visit a museum Bucket List
Dance in the rain Bucket List
Feed the ducks Bucket List
kiss someone at midnight on new years Bucket List
Picnic in the forest Relationships
Kiss someone in the snow Relationships
Midnight stroll Relationships
Watch A Sunset With Somone Relationships
Make someone I don't know smile Charity
Leave a note in a library book
Fill a journal with poetry
Spend the whole day watching movies
Read a new book every month
go to a haunted house

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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