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Ashok14691's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Write a song Creativity
Visit the Great Wall of China Culture
Celebrate New Year's in 5 different countries Culture
Visit Thailand Culture
Eat pizza in Italy Culture
Go to a spa day Well-being
Hike a mountain Well-being
Master a new language Well-being
Walk through Central Park Travel
Visit at least 25 countries Travel
Explore Europe Travel
ride an elephant Travel
Visit New York City Travel
Go backpacking Travel
Go to Tomorrowland Travel
go see the eiffel tower Travel
Visit Mt.Rushmore Travel
See the Northern Lights Travel
Lay on the Caribbean beach Travel
Attend Carnival of Rio de Janeiro Travel
Visit the Pyramids Travel
have campfire on beach Travel
Go skydiving Sport
learn to ski Sport
ride a jetski Sport
Ride a Camel Sport
Bunjee Jump Sport
Live in another country for at least a year Moving
Watch a meteor shower Entertainment
Meet a penguin Fun
explore a cave Fun
spend night at a beach Fun
get a self-portrait painted Fun
Ride a motorcycle Fun
Ride a horse Fun
Ice Skating Fun
attend a pool party Fun
Send a message in a bottle Fun
ride a zip line Skills
Learn how to play an Instrument Skills
Kiss under fireworks Bucket List
Kiss in the rain Bucket List
Fly in a helicopter Bucket List
try pasta in Italy Bucket List
Visit all 7 Continents Bucket List
Dye hair Bucket List
Experience zero gravity Bucket List
Go on a cruise Bucket List
celebrate Halloween in the states Bucket List
Eat Sushi Bucket List
Watch a Sunset With Someone Relationships
Kiss underwater Relationships
Buy something for a stranger anonymously Charity
Buy a homeless person a full meal Charity
Make someone I don't know smile Charity
go to a haunted house
Drink Vodka in Russia

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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