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Iamgrant's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
build a snowman with oppa Creativity
make a phone game Creativity
eat at white castle Social
meet cherry Social
make oppa meet fambam Social
grow a garden Well-being
grow a tree Well-being
see a waterfall with bb Travel
visit another country with oppa Travel
visit Disneyland with bb Travel
do a triathalon Sport
visit/ live on the east coast Moving
but an apartment/ house Moving
buy a sailboat Financial
buy a car Financial
fright dome with noona Entertainment
teach oppa how to cook Entertainment
invade oppas bed Entertainment
unhook noona's bra Education
IV league college Education
try to grill a coconut one day Education
eat oppas cooked food Health
wakeboard Health
learn to cook (maybe noona) Health
grow a potato Fun
cliff diving with noona Fun
bungee jumping Fun
eat noona's cooking Fun
cinnamon challenge with noona Fun
see a giraffe Fun
eat 20 bananas in one sitting Fun
slip and slide down a mountaint into water Fun
eat 4 bowls of ramen in one sitting Fun
pat oppas head Fun
put make up on oppa Fun
spicy ramen challenge with oppa Fun
attempt to cook food for oppa Fun
destroy oppa in a video game Skills
get a stool Bucket List
skinny dipping Bucket List
get a doggie named Nickel Bucket List
eat a live octopus Bucket List
sit and play in rain with oppa Relationships
get married (noona) Relationships
meet noona Relationships
pepero kiss oppa Relationships
face cam noona Relationships
make cherrys wish of having godchildren true Relationships
make oppa lean for kiss Relationships
play fight over Netflix with oppa Relationships
grow old with someone I love Relationships
get use to skyping noona Relationships
reach relationships peak Relationships
Kiss underwater Relationships
Have sex Relationships
eat a string of spaghetti with noona(movies) Relationships
make noona go on her tipitoes to kiss Relationships
chubby bunny with noona Relationships
get drunk with noona Relationships
watch a movie with noona Relationships
flop with noona Relationships
squeeze noonas cheeks Relationships
meet oppaaaaaaaaa Relationships
eat watermelon with noona Relationships
smash a pie into noonas face Relationships
share/freeload food off from oppa Charity
sing to oppa one day Charity

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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